Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • dmx512-avr.rar 基于DMX512协议的单片机C语言程序,编写软件AVR单片机
  • AVR-C-100-PROTEUS.rar 单片机C语言程序设计实训100例 --- 基于AVR + Proteus仿真
  • avr.rar AVR单片机,汇编语言编写的各个子模块程序
  • Bascom-Avr-i2C-Slave-Library.zip Its a I2c Communication with BASCOM in AVR
  • DS1302-for-avr.rar 时钟芯片DS1302 C avr源程序 DS1302 for avr.c
  • AVR-.rar AVR 单片机应用程序 PWM等功能的应用 C语言编写
  • AVR-charger.zip AVR 的充电器资料含程序及原理图,AVR charger include code and SCh,provide foe referend
  • AVR-IO-ports-communications-line.rar AVR单片机利用定时器普通IO口实现一线通信
  • avr.rar AVR入门程序C代码,AVR-STUDIO开发环境
  • avr-huffman.rar AVR-gcc based Huffman-decompression, which uses just 572 bytes of flash. portable c compression-algorithm in "test" directory. Including some helpful utilities like uart, commando interface and dump utility. GPLv3