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  • QAMconstellation.rar the QAM modulation shows the effect of AWGN channel to transmitted OFDM signal
  • OFDM_simulation.rar OFDM simulation. It contains the transmission reception scenario. Mainly it evaluates the BER performance under an AWGN channel.In addition it generates the I and Q branch of the the baseband signal and the spectrum as well.
  • SNRESTIMATE.rar 信噪比估计代码,附有IEEE文献一篇,在AWGN下进行了MCRB的相关仿真
  • 111.rar bfsk调制,可出来图形,经过了awgn
  • QPSK_chain.zip ... of a baseband QPSK mod/demod: TX : a pseudo random bit stream generation, Serial to parallel conversion, QPSK Mapping (Gray coding), Signal power computation Channel : AWGN channel RX: Soft Demapping / Hard Demapping, Plot constellations, Compute BER
  • 8PSK_mod_simulator.zip Simulation of a baseband 8PSK modulator - TX : a pseudo random bit stream generation, Serial to parallel conversion, 8PSK Mapping (Gray mapping), Signal power computation - Channel : AWGN channel - Plot constellations
  • wirelessChannel.zip Wireless Channel - AWGN
  • Combination.rar Copy text to c and run. This performs the merging of data and noise as would occur in a AWGN channel
  • script_ber_bpsk_convolutional_code_viterbi_decode Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in AWGN with Hard and Soft decision Viterbi decoding with traceback
  • rf1.rar transmission of signal over awgn channel its modulation and its demodulation