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  • Zero_Code_LDPC_LLR.rar The document package is about LDPC for the AWGN channel
  • GSM.rar 实现 AWGN信道下的理论误码特性和仿真误码特性,GSM系统卷积码在AWGN信道的误码特性,GSM系统卷积码在突发信道和AWGN信道的误码特性,GSM系统卷积码和交织编码在突发信道和AWGN信道误码特性
  • GSM_fs.rar GSM全速率信道一级和二级信息比特在AWGN、突发差错信道和AWGN、Rayleigh信道和AWGN的误比特率
  • mcbpsk.rar 用蒙特卡罗仿真研究一个通信系统的误比特率BER。假设通信系统满足条件:信源输出的数据符号是相互独立和等概的;在发射机中没有进行脉冲形成;信道是AWGN信道
  • MCCDMA.rar This program used to simulate the MC-CDMA system in AWGN and fading channels with specified parameters given in the code .
  • OFDM.rar This program used to simulate the ofdm system in AWGN and fading channel with specified parameters given in the code.
  • PerformanceEvaluation.rar This program used to show the Performance of MC-CDMA and OFDM system in AWGN and fading channels with specified parameters given in the code .
  • ch_model_awgn.rar awgn model channel programme matlab
  • PerformaceofQPSKandDQPSK.rar Performance of QPSK and DQPSK in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channel. A detailed Report of the work done in the source code is also attached as another file
  • ProjectReport_PerformanceofQPSKandDQPSK.rar Project Report on the performance of QPSK and DQPSK in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channel