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  • Process_Algebra_www.softarchive.net.rar ... the requirements for this evolution and evaluates the performance of the OFDM-LTE system under different propagation impairments (AWGN and multipath fading channels involving Pedestrian and Vehicular scenarios) in terms of bit and symbol error rates ...
  • bpskAWGN.rar content file describe awgn channel for coperative channel
  • BER_awgnchan_rayleigh.rar BPSK调制在AWGN和瑞利信道的BER理论和统计结果比较
  • 16qam_for_ofdm.zip ofdm 系统中在AWGN信道里的16QAM 的调制和解调m程序
  • OSIC.rar MIMO信号检测中排序串行干扰消除算法(OSIC)三种排序性能比较,QAM16调制,未编码,AWGN信道
  • QPSK_sfun.rar QPSK Modulation and Demodulation with AWGN , Performance comparision against on BER / EB/NO ratio.
  • qpsk_AWGN.rar QPSK在AWGN信道下仿真,主要描述的是其在高斯白噪声背景下的误码性能的仿真
  • 16QAM.rar 16-QAM载波调制信号在AWGN信道下的性能,分析了误比特率和误码率与理想条件下的差异
  • MATLAB.rar 本代码主要仿真了VO和JZ超过AWGN信道的内存1率1/2卷积码的性能边界。
  • ModTest20120509_0.rar Gray码的QPSK,8PSK,16QAM在AWGN下的调制解调程序,给出了BER,SER性能,做了理论曲线的对比,结果与理论值一致。三种调制方式都可以。程序注释详细,并附说明文档。 hcq908@163.com 20120509