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  • bpsk.rar 无线通信系统仿真,包括AWGN信道下的BPSK系统仿真的MATLAB程序
  • AWGN-Rayleigh-BPSK-DSSS.rar 程序仿真了关于扩频系统在两种信道下的误码率
  • wirelesscomm.zip ... ) multiuser receiver for uniformly quantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels.This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise ...
  • dsss.rar 直接序列扩频通信系统在AWGN信道下的误码率性能分析
  • Q_DSSS.rar 直扩码分多址DS-CDMA是利用高速的WALSH正交码序列作为地址码,与多用户信息数据相乘得到信息数据的直接扩频信号,再经过BPSK调制后发送出去,经过AWGN无线信道的传输后,在接收端与本地产生的地址码进行相关检测,从中将地址码与本地码一致的用户数据选出,把不一致的用户数据删除。
  • zwtx2109.zip it is the matlab implementation of CDMA2009 for the AWGN noise source crack for all the matter in the analysis
  • DSSS.rar 一个四用户的扩频通信系统,扩频增益为N=16,采用Walsh码进行直接序列扩频,BPSK调制,无线信道为AWGN(加性高斯白噪声信道)信道(AWGN信道:不考虑通信信道信号时,由宽频范围描述的统计随机无线噪声。)。在接收端进行解扩,解调,判决,通过仿真得到其中一个用户的误比特率与信噪比的仿真结果。
  • MultipathChannelVerification.rar Single/Multipath Channel Model Verificaiton EbNo vs. BER/SER under AWGN BPSK vs. QPSK Theory vs. Simulation AWGN vs. Flat Fading Channel Most files are written by myself, enjoy it. Figures are attached.
  • simulation.example.with.matlab.rar ... of BPSK modulated data as a function of SNR -in an AWGN channel -in a Rayleigh fading channel -in an AWGN channel when direct sequence spreading is used and compare results to the theoretical ones. We assume coherent receiver ...
  • simulationofAWGNandruileychannel.rar 本程序模拟了无线通信中常用的AWGN,瑞利信道模型!!!!