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  • mobile_communictin.rar gsm mobile communication channel awgn
  • experiment_awgn.rar the different variation of awgn
  • awgn.rar different configuration of gsm showing transmiter,channel and the receiver
  • transmitterandreceiverissame.rar 讨论了变换域通信系统中收发端一致时的系统性能,包括AWGN信道及单音,多音,窄带,扫频干扰
  • QPSK.zip Digital Communication project, QPSK over AWGN and Rayliegh Multipath Effects.
  • bpsk_simulator.zip This source code is BPSK Code. this algorithm is first input data quantity second create rand bits third modulate and force to AWGN to data fourth demodulate fifth BER check
  • BPSKProbabilityofErrorWGN.zip BER for AWGN channel in wireless communication
  • nQAMmodulationwithAWGN.zip this matlab code used for BER in AWGN channel
  • noise.zip This matlab file is used to generate noise signal which is added to the transmitted signal in an AWGN channel. Based on the SNR value the power of the noise is determined.
  • Channel.zip AWGN channel. Uses a file called BPSK (containing BPSK voltage levels) and adds gaussian noise to it. The noise is generated by box muller equation. Note: BPSK file was generated from BPSK modulator source: BPSK.c