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  • cdma.rar CDMA code for Error probability in AWGN channel
  • project2.rar this source code is useful to do cdma simulation in awgn channel..
  • GF4FFT.rar LDPC GF(4) with FFT in the awgn channel and with soft decision
  • Degree-distribution-of-LT-code.zip The degree distribution of the LT code optimized for BEC, AWGN channel. The degree distribution optimized for differential channel is also given.
  • DQPSK.zip This m file draw the BER curve of the differential QPSK over the AWGN channel.
  • chkchanel.rar cheking awgn channel
  • OFDM_Code.rar A basic OFDM code implementing AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel (Fast Fading). Good for basic understanding
  • Microsoft-Word-turbo-code.rar 用C++实现TURBO码并在AWGN信道中进行性能测试
  • nosise-trait-.rar 这是一个AWGN信道下,编译码仿真的C程序。本人已经用它产生数据绘制折线图!包含编码,译码,信道模拟,误码率计算 …… ,程序结构清晰,不复杂,适合与初学者来了解,基本通信流程!
  • MATLAB.rar this is an example of LDPC code in which after encoding i have added AWGN(Additive white Gaussian noise) and bsc(binary symmetric channel). then i hav performed decoding operation. one can easily devloped different BER vs Eb/N0 graph of different channel. ...