(修改后)turbo系统 matlab 仿真代码 参考Dr.Wuyufei 有详细注释
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资源说明:谢谢之前那位朋友提醒,之前不完全,现在补充了遗漏的! 要做Turbo,感觉是绕不开Dr.wuyufei的数学架构的,我在里面详细注释了。本文作为学习用,很具有参考价值! 本文在结果中详细列出了每次迭代的误码率,迭代次数可调,结果运行时间较长,这个很正常。 译码部分的log-map算法调通了,sova有代码,并没有调,下载的朋友们需要注意了! % **************Dr. wuyufei的典型Turbo系统主函数******************************** % This script simulates the classical turbo encoding-decoding system. % It simulates parallel concatenated convolutional codes. % Two component rate 1/2 RSC (Recursive Systematic Convolutional) component encoders are assumed. % % First encoder is terminated with tails bits. (Info + tail) bits are scrambled and passed to % the second encoder, while second encoder is left open without tail bits of itself. % % Random information bits are modulated into +1/-1, and transmitted through a AWGN channel. % Interleavers are randomly generated for each frame. % While it's UNECESSARY in our first version! % % Log-MAP algorithm without quantization or approximation is used. % By making use of ln(e^x+e^y) = max(x,y) + ln(1+e^(-abs(x-y))), % the Log-MAP can be simplified with a look-up table for the correction function. % If use approximation ln(e^x+e^y) = max(x,y), it becomes MAX-Log-MAP.