... the x, y and z axes respectively. Each press of a key causes a rotation of 15 degrees about the related axis. Display your teapots using three viewports for the front, top and side views using orthographic projections. Display the teapot using filled ...
XFire是与Axis 2并列的新一代WebService框架具有支持一系列Web Service的新标准--JSR181、WSDL2.0 、JAXB2、WS-Security 易于与Spring框架结合 等功能
... once for each group of points that map to the same color. The upper and lower limits of the color range (and the z axis) can be defined with crange. This is useful for creating a series of plots with the same
coloring. The colormap (but not the ...
a numerical solution of Poisson equation for axis-symmetrical cylindrical coordinates
... known or fixed reference system, referred to here as a local-level coordinate system. The local-level system is a standard, right-hand, three-axis coordinate system with the x-y plane representing the horizontal ground plane the z-axis is positive down.