AHRS.zip ... ]. Incorporates the magnetic distortion
// compensation algorithms from my filter [Madgwick] which eliminates the need for a reference
// direction of flux (bx bz) to be predefined and limits the effect of magnetic distortions to yaw
// axis only.
Modelling-of--heat-and-mass-transfer-in-a-vertica ... . A strong magnetic field of uniform strength is applied along the axis of rotation. The entire system rotates about the axis normal to the plates with a uniform angular velocity. The porous channel is subjected to a constant suction- ...
femTriangularMesh.zip ... = Height of the rectangular structure
Nx = Number of divisions on x- axis
NE = Number of elements
The example generates 144 elements for a rectangular structure given a dimension 10units by 10units with respect to 8 divisions on x-axis.
PocklingtonPulseSolution.zipPocklingtonPulseSolution calculates the solution to Pocklington s Integral Equation for a straight wire along z-axis.Delta-gap source and Theta-polarized incident plane wave, both types of excitation are optional.