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  • UML.rar introduce UML on the background and the use of functions, suitable for beginners learning. Including some designed patterns
  • cvuse.rar 使用opencv,将一个视频文件分割成多张图片。 特点:按帧提取,每帧保存为多张图片。 保存时,原来的格式是全彩的,同时转化并保存全彩图片对应的黑白图片和二值化图片。这三类图片分别存放在默认目录的video background foreground中。默认的视频文件名为默认目录下的ci.avi
  • VCandMATLAB.rar ... transform and statistics signal frequency domain characteristics.using cepstrum transform and cepstrum distance with the background noise,the paper achieved the speech segmentation algorithm.Analysis and Implementation of Speech Endpoint Detection
  • regionbased_seg_demo.zip ... deforms an initial curve so that it separates foreground from background based on the means of the two regions. The ... nice results when there is a difference between the foreground and background means. This code uses active contours and level sets in ...
  • jrtplibex4.rar /* This IPv4 example uses the background thread itself to process all packets. You can use example one to send data to the session that s created in this example. */ /* 这个 iPV4 例子 ...
  • jrtplibex5.rar /* This IPv4 example uses the background thread itself to process all packets. You can use example one to send data to the session that s created in this example. */ /* 这个 iPV4 例子 ...
  • WC_Frame-D.zip ... 訊並允許其背景資料 的突然改變,這個混合模式嵌入了貝氏機率理 論並允許多個物件的追蹤,有些學者提出以背景差異(background subtraction)模式為基礎去探索移動物件的陰影消除,此方法採用線上初始化(on-line initialization)演算法快速地訓練出正確的背景資訊,他們強調如何有效率並正確的建立背景資訊,以防止判斷錯誤所造成的誤差,這些研究在也同樣強調如何盡快而可靠的找出未覆蓋的背景(uncovered background)資訊。
  • picshow[delphi].zip ... be controlled programmatically Image can be stretched or centered in the client area of the control Control can show a background image as centered, stretched, or tiled Transition process can use a separated thread New transitional effects can be ...
  • palette.zip Paint a Gradient Color Background 画渐变填充的背景(53KB)
  • readseq.rar Add a video background to the segmented video