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  • Change_drive_Background.rar Change the C drive background.
  • Vehicle_Tracker_with_background_subtraction_and_k Vehicle Tracking using a background subtraction based on mixture of Gaussians, and Kalman filtering to remove noise. Require OpenCV to be installed. By Jonathan Gagne University of Waterloo jgagne@uwaterloo.ca
  • Notes.rar ... proposal should consist of the first three chapters of the dissertation. It should begin with a statement of the problem/background information (typically Chapter I of the dissertation), then move on to a review of the literature (Chapter 2), and ...
  • index1.zip ... : UNIX for the Practical Paranoid This book takes readers through the intricacies of the OpenBSD platform, and teaches them how to manage the system with friendly explanations, background information, troubleshooting suggestions, and copious examples.
  • TCP_echo.rar simple TCP echo. run server in background, then run the client. type sumting in client, and then server will echo it.
  • CvBSLibGMM(GMMbackgroundsubtraction).rar Implementation of background subtraction algorithm using Gaussian mixture model.
  • matlab_v.rar ... . Once the data window appears the algorithm begins building a background model and attempts to track objects. By clicking on any of the four subwindows you can investigate the background representation (a Mixture of Gaussians) of any pixel. The ...
  • TexturedBackground.rar Textured Background for VB 2005 Sample code
  • target_tracking_using_kalman.zip target tracking algorithms using kalmanfilter compute the background image->Kalman filter initialization->loop over all images
  • background_mod.rar matlab background stimation whit running mode and RLS