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  • Acivs09Code.zip ... this approach. We propose a novel eature extracti on scheme which computes implicit ‘soft egmentations’ of image regions into oreground/background. The method yields tronger object/background edges than grayscale gradient alone, suppresses textural ...
  • bg_sub.rar 在Linux開發的程式碼,能讀取bmp檔,將色彩空間轉換成ycbcr,再做background subtraction,最後將檔案輸出。
  • blobTrack_projet_initial_openCV.rar ... to track moving foreground objects against a relatively static background. Conceptually it consists of a three-stage video ... discriminator which labels each pixel as either foreground or background. 2. A blob detector which groups adjacent "foreground" ...
  • MFCBackgroundSubtraction.rar My project include some background subtraction methods
  • Detec.rar Wireless Communication and CDMA This section provides some background information on wireless technology, wireless personal communications, and the basics of CDMA technology. If you are familiar with CDMA technology and the IS-95A standard, you ...
  • SkinListDone.rar a CListCtrl with graphic background
  • ChangeToolbarBackground.zip This is to change the background of a toolbar
  • MDIBackground.zip To set MDI Background
  • imag_improve_rgb.zip ... " by Phil Chen, Dr.Christos Greecos, ESC Division Research 2005,and section 2.1 of paper "Simple and Accurate Color Face Detection Algorithm in Complex Background" by YUI TING PAI et al. ICME 2006 . Please go through those papers for more details.
  • Evil_Client_Sources.rar ... connection online all the time, i.e. the client automatically reconnects upon disconnection. The protocol used to control the Cisco background service has been reverse engineered and is used to trigger VPN connections and to keep them online. Besides, a ...