资源说明:Micro API designed for use in bootstrapped bookmarklets.
![Amoeba micro API](http://amoeba-js.net/img/type.svg) Micro API designed for use in bootstrapped bookmarklets. Amoeba was made from the following assumptions: 1. Smaller size is more important than features; existing libraries are too big and may also collide with other scripts. 2. Only modern browsers (IE9+) need to be supported; users are expected to be intermediate to advanced users. It currently weighs in at just 2Kb minified and gzipped. # _amoeba Exposes the internal `$` (get) and `$$` (getAll) functions and `_` (util) namespace. References are passed into the callback function as arguments (so you could call them whatever you like). ```js _amoeba(function($, $$, _){ var page = $("#page"); if (page.match(".active")) { var divs = page.getAll("div"); } }); ``` ## $ (get) Finds an element matching the supplied selector or wraps an existing element. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String or Element) The CSS selector matching the element you want - or an existing element. * `parent` - (Element) Optional. Root element for the search. ###### Returns (Wrapper or null) An instance of Wrapper or null. ## $$ (getAll) Returns an array of elements that match the supplied selector. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) The CSS selector matching the elements you want. * `parent` - (Element) Optional. Root element for the search. ###### Returns (Array) An array containing elements. ## _ (util) Holds the following utility functions: * [load](#_load) * [request](#_request) * [type](#_type) * [extend](#_extend) * [toQuery](#_toquery) * [fromQuery](#_fromquery) * [template](#_template) * [create](#_create) ### _.load Loads a script onto the page and optionally executes a callback function on load. ###### Arguments * `url` - (String) The url of the script to be loaded. * `func` - (Function) Optional. A function that is called when the script has loaded. ###### Returns (Element) A script element. ###### Example ```js _.load("http://amoeba-js.net/js", function(){ alert("script loaded"); }); ``` ### _.request Creates and sends an XMLHttpRequest. ###### Arguments * `url` - (String) The url of the script to be loaded. * `func` - (Function) A function that is called with the XMLHttpRequest object as an argument when the script has loaded. * `options` - (Object) Optional. * `data` - (Object) Optional. An object containing the key-value pairs sent with the request. * `method` - (String) Optional. The mode of the request; "get" or "post". Default is "get". * `async` - (Boolean) Optional. A boolean to set asynchronous mode on or off. Default is true. * `headers` - (Object) Optional. An Object containing additional headers. ###### Returns (XMLHttpRequest) An XMLHttpRequest object. ###### Example ```js _.request( "/api/data.json", function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); console.log(data); }, { data: { id: "0123456789" }, method: "post" } ); ``` ### _.type Identifies the type of the supplied variable. ###### Arguments * `subject` - (mixed) The variable whose type is to be identified. ###### Returns (String) A string: "boolean", "number", "string", "array", "object", "function", "regexp", "date", "math", "location", "element", "nodelist", "htmlcollection" or "undefined". ###### Example ```js var myVariable = ["hello", "world"]; var myType = _.type(myVariable); // myType == "array" ``` ### _.extend Extends (or overwrite) a given object with the properties of the supplied object properties recursively. ###### Arguments * `subject` - (Object) Object to extend. * `properties` - (Object) Object containing properties to extend with. ###### Example ```js var myObject = { message: "hello", recipient: "steve" }; _.extend(myObject, {recipient: "world"}); /* myObject == { message: "hello", recipient: "world" } */ ``` ### _.toQuery Returns a query string built from the supplied object. ###### Arguments * `subject` - (Object) Object to transform into a query string. ###### Example ```js var myObject = { message: "hello", recipient: "world" }; var myQueryString = _.toQuery(myObject); // myQueryString == "message=hello&recipient=world" ``` ### _.fromQuery Returns an object containing the query string data contained in the supplied string. ###### Arguments * `string` - (String) The string to be transformed. ###### Example ```js // location.href == "http://www.mydomain.com/index.php?message=hello&recipient=world" var myObject = _.fromQuery(location.href); /* myObject == { message: "hello", recipient: "world" } */ ``` ### _.template Returns a template string populated with the data of the supplied object. ###### Arguments * `template` - (String) A string with tokens. * `object` - (Object) An object containing the data needed for populating the template. * `delimiters` - (Array) Optional. An array containing 2 strings that define how tokens are marked up within the supplied template. Defaults are curly braces; `"{"` and `"}"`. ###### Example ```js var myTemplate = "{message}, {recipient}!"; var myObject = { message: "hello", recipient: "world" }; var myMessage = _.template(myTemplate, myObject); // myMessage == "hello, world!" ``` ### _.create Returns a newly created DOM element with the supplied properties from the options object. The created element is appended to the parent element if supplied. If a context is The options argument can be omitted in favour of the parent argument. ###### Arguments * `tag` - (String) Name of the element. * `options` - (Object) Optional. An object containing properties for the element. * `parent` - (Element) Optional. An element to which the created element should be appended. * `context` - (String) Optional. A string that specifies the relation to the parent element - see [#.insert](#insert). ###### Returns (Wrapper) A wrapped element. ###### Example ```js var myElement = _.create( "button", { style: { backgroundColor: "red", borderColor: "green", color: "green" }, innerHTML: "click", onclick: function(){ alert("hello, world!"); } }, document.body, "top" ); // myElement == ``` ## Wrapper (#) Wrapped elements have the following properties and methods available: * [el](#el) * [insert](#insert) * [remove](#remove) * [get](#get) * [getAll](#getAll) * [children](#children) * [siblings](#siblings) * [next](#next) * [prev](#prev) * [contains](#contains) * [matches](#matches) * [addClass](#addclass) * [removeClass](#removeclass) * [on](#on) * [off](#off) ### #.el The actual DOM element being wrapped. ### #.insert Inserts the supplied content into the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `content` - (String, Number, Element, Array or HtmlCollection) Content to be appended. If an array is supplied it should only consist of strings (text or html), numbers or elements. * `context` - (String or Number) Optional. A string or number that specifies the relation to the parent element; * `"top"` - Insert as the first elements inside parent. * `"bottom"` - Insert as the last elements inside parent. * `"before"` - Insert before parent (outside). * `"after"` - Insert after parent (outside). * (Number) - Corresponds to the index of the childnodes where content will be inserted. Negative numbers have their index calculated in reverse. Default is `"bottom"`. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ### #.remove Remove the element from the DOM. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ### #.get Finds the first element that matches the provided selector. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) The CSS selector matching the element to be returned. ###### Returns (Wrapper|Null) An element or null if no matching element is found. ###### Example ```js var body = $("body"); var firstUserItem = body.get("ul.users li"); var checkedRadio = body.get("input[name='optIn'][type='radio'][checked]"); ``` ### #.getAll Returns an array containing all elements that match the supplied selector. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) See [#.get](#get). ###### Returns (Array) ###### Example ```js var body = $("body"); var userItems = body.getAll("ul.users li"); ``` ### #.children Returns an array of child elements. If the selector argument is supplied only the elements matching it will be returned. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) Optional. See [#.get](#get). ###### Returns (Array) ###### Example ```js var ul = $("ul"); var activeUserItems = ul.children(".active"); ``` ### #.siblings Returns an array of sibling elements. If the selector argument is supplied only the elements matching it will be returned. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) Optional. See [#.get](#get). ###### Returns (Array) ###### Example ```js var firstDiv = $("body div"); var otherDivs = firstDiv.siblings("div"); ``` ### #.next Returns the next sibling element. If the selector argument is supplied the first matching sibling element proceeding it will be returned. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) Optional. See [#.get](#get). ###### Returns (Wrapper|Null) ###### Example ```js var firstDiv = $("body div"); var nextDiv = firstDiv.next("div"); ``` ### #.prev Returns the previous sibling element. If the selector argument is supplied the first matching sibling element preceding it will be returned. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) Optional. See [#.get](#get). ###### Returns (Wrapper|Null) ###### Example ```js var divs = $$("body > div"); var spanBeforeLastDiv = divs[divs.length - 1].prev("span"); ``` ### #.contains Returns true if the supplied child is a descendant of the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `child` - (Wrapper|Element) The element to test against. ###### Returns (Boolean) ###### Example ```js var body = $("body"); var div = $("div"); if (body.contains(div)) { // do stuff } ``` ### #.matches Returns true or false for whether the supplied selector matches the element. ###### Arguments * `selector` - (String) Selector to match against wrapped element. ###### Returns (Boolean) ###### Example ```js $("div.class").matches(".class"); ``` ### #.addClass Adds the supplied classname if it doesn't exist on the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `className` - (String) The classname to add. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ###### Example ```js $("div.user").addClass("active"); ``` ### #.removeClass Removes the supplied classname if it exists on the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `className` - (String) The classname to remove. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ###### Example ```js $("div.active").removeClass("active"); ``` ### #.on Add an event to the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `event` - (String) The type of event to add. Can be extended with a selector to enable event delegation (note this has the side-effect of not working with `#.off`). * `func` - (Function) The function to call on the event. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ###### Example ```js $("div").on("click span", function(){ // only react on clicks on span elements inside the div. }); ``` ### #.off Remove an event from the wrapped element. ###### Arguments * `event` - (String) The type of event to remove. * `func` - (Function) The function to remove. ###### Returns (Wrapper) The wrapped element. ###### Example ```js var handleClick = function(){ // do stuff }; $("button").off("click", handleClick); ```