文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Use ImageMagick to create a "live" background for Twitter
LIVE TWITTER BACKGROUND - (c) RegenspanTeractive


Live Twitter Background produces a Twitter background using
the desired "live" input data.


Current available inputs:

* Recent followers
* Skype status


* PHP5+
* Imagemagick
* Imagick PHP extension
* Verdana: verdana.ttf and verdanab.ttf (get them from and place in assets/fonts)
* twitter-async by Jaisen Mathai (included in "/lib" folder)
    More info:


* Set up a new application on
* In config.json, set the app keys and user token info
* Ensure that the folder containing generate-background.php,
    as well as the "retrieved" folder, arewriteable to the
    user you will run the script with
* Tweak other config.json settings as desired.
    For a different background image, place the image
    in assets/images/ and update the display->background_image
    config.json property to the new filename.

    Run: php generate-background.php

    You may want to first comment out the line:

    Until you are satisfied with the outputted background.jpg

* Add to a cron for "live" updates


This is an old project with many TODOs including ability
to right-align the list of followers (default is left-align),
plus better comments and code cleanup.

I stopped developing this when Twitter increased the width
of the default desktop interface, however the generated
backgrounds are still fully visible in browser windows of 
1300px+ width.

Verdana is not a very good font and could probably be replaced
with an open source one (or licensed Helvetica if you want
to be classy).


BSD license (see LICENSE.txt)

Images and fonts in "assets" are (c) the respective
rightsholders, and included for convenience:

* /assets/images/clouds.png is (c) Twitter
* Skype logo (c) Skype
* League Gothic by The League of Moveable Type
