资源说明:Rotating backgrounds on GNOME 2 desktops
A simple hack to generate a transitioning background for a Gnome desktop and automagically update your user preferences with the result. You stick the pics you want in a folder, point this at it, and away you go. You could use icron if you want it to auto-update. Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Rodger Donaldson. Consider this under the 2-clause BSD license. Format is derived from this article: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/create-custom-transitioning-background-your-gnome-228-desktop The "XML" that ships with common GNOME distros for this aren't actual XML because apparently in GNOME-land you bloat everything out with psuedo-XML that doesn't actually parse as XML because... This is the kind of thought-process that leads to GNOME 3 and GNOME Shell.