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  • GetDriveSerialNo.zip 这个例子是和FileBackup配合使用的,这样上层的Application可以判断drive有没有改变,是不是要backup
  • Bios.zip ... port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram
  • Auto Backup.zip SQL 数据库自动备份源程序
  • bakServe040907.rar 备份数据库(c#+mssql) 注意: Server2000必须安装补丁3,数据库文件备份在 XX:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP
  • dvdmb-src-0.2.9.zip dvd Master Backup DVD 备份软件源代码
  • 7split.zip ... files of certain size. The most common need for this is when you want to put your (big) file on floppy disks, for backup or any other purposes. The method for reversing the process, the unsplitting, is also included. Built & tested using Delphi versions ...
  • FlexCompress.Delphi.7.v2.59.rar ... library developed to provide archive functionality for your applications. This solution provides flexible compression and strong encryption algorithms that allows you to integrate archiving or backup features into your programs in a fast and easy way.
  • HisUpdateDown.rar 详见DOC下的说明文件,但作了部分改动。注意不要删除backup和update这两个目录。另外mzsf这个目录要上传到服务器端。
  • Updateabc.rar 注意不要删除backup和update这两个目录。另外mzsf这个目录要上传到服务器端。
  • BIOStest.rar 用VC编写的FS44B0II BIOS,具有启动、引导,下载、烧写,设置日期、时间,设置工作频率等多种功能,并且支持各种参数的存储和自动调用。 可以用flashpgm等软件将BIOS烧写到Flash中去,BIOS的自身驻留地址位于NOR FLASH的0x1f0000处,系统参数保存在0x1ff000以上区域中。所以在烧写完BIOS,上电复位后先要执一定要执行backup命令把BIOS本身拷贝到NOR FLASH的高端1f0000去。