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  • TaskManagerEx_2_1_sources.zip The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used ...
  • imgproc_VB.zip Visual Basic image processing. Mainly it occupies some filters to detect some prperties of image. Release.
  • virgen1.1.rar vbs病毒:就是Visual Basic Script即是VB脚本,一种通过Microsoft的Windows Script Host提供的一种基于32位Windows平台的、与语言无关的脚本解释机制,它使得脚本能够直接在Windows桌面或命令提示符下运行。
  • xbbhydm.rar wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines. wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c. wav_trf.c: transform routines. wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c. wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are defined. ...
  • A_Beginner1698821242004.zip ... can understand the basics of this type of file encryption you CAN make better ones than me. This is just a quick example of basic encryption. Highly commented to help beginners. There aren t many good examples on PSC, maybe this one is :), to me, comments ...
  • PIC_Hi-Tech_C_PIC16F87x_serial_comms_and_VB6_sampl Serial port example.?How to communicate with RS232 to your PC via a serial port, with Hi-Tech C code, hardware schematics, and Visual Basic 6 sample project.
  • wordwrap4.zip 是一个非常棒的程序。用visual basic 编写的。
  • 1264444.zip 是一个很好的程序。用visual basic 6.0 编写的。
  • SkillOfHtml.rar SkillOfHtml skill include basic html and css etc
  • WindowsAPI_func.rar 作为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口,Win32 API是从事Windows应用程序开发所必备的。本书首先对Win32 API函数做完整的概述;然后收录五大类函数:窗口管理、图形设备接口、系统服务、国际特性以及网络服务;在附录部分,讲解如何在Visual Basic和Delphi中对其调用。本书是从事Windows应用程序开发的软件工程师的必备参考手册。