... I also devote considerable time to explaining the purpose of this book and the philosophy behind my approach to technical writing. Technical ... Using the online help. Greping through the include and source files that come with the product and with this book.
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Programming WDM(source code).zip
... The companion disc for Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model contains more than 20 sample drivers and test programs to illustrate the topics covered by the book.
Programmer s Reference Manual is an improtant book on Intel processor architecture and programming. In Html format, it is more readable than original .txt format.
这是一本关于安全技术和程序设计的好书。 This book is for anyone who wants to create efficient code。
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... understanding the performance behavior of the system and makes it easier to troubleshoot system problems when things go wrong. After reading this book, you should have a better understanding of how Windows 2000 works and why it behaves as it does.