BORLAND C++ 3.1 字体
BORLAND C 3.1的字体,那个年代还是 Win3.1,只是情有独钟一直留着在用。
文件名 BORTE.FON,点阵字体非Truetype,
borland c++ 合集卷1(共3卷)
Borland C++ 3.1 with Application Frameworks
Borland C++ 4.5 For Windows
Borland C++ 4.52 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.02 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler
borland c++ 合集卷2(共3卷)
Borland C++ 3.1 with Application Frameworks
Borland C++ 4.5 For Windows
Borland C++ 4.52 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.02 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler
borland c++ 合集卷3(共3卷)
Borland C++ 3.1 with Application Frameworks
Borland C++ 4.5 For Windows
Borland C++ 4.52 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.02 For Windows
Borland C++ 5.5 Compiler
borland pascal 7.0
borland pascal 7.0,很古老的东西了,用一用缅怀dos时代。小学生用这个学习写程序也挺好的,一看到这个就会想起当年的美好时光,the old days of dos
borland xe6 google test
sample project for borland c++ builder xe6 using gtest(1.6).
the google test framework is included.