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  • rbar.gz win socket file BT transfer
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  • jen_hall.rar ... spoofing. In this case, an attacker captures the MAC address of an authorized device and programs it into his device, in order to obtain unauthorized access. The threat of address spoofing is equally applicable to Bluetooth (BT) ad-hoc networks.
  • pinghengerchashu.rar 用二叉链表作存储结构 (1)以回车(‘\n’)为输入结束标志,输入数列L,分别生成一棵二叉排序树T和平衡的二叉排序树BT ; (2)对二叉排序树T作中序遍历,输出结果; (3)输入元素x,查找二叉排序树T:若存在含x的结点,则删除该 结点,并作中序遍历(执行操作2);否则输出相关信息; (4)分别计算T、BT的查找成功的平均查找长度,输出结果;
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