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资源说明:hardware realisation of the computer from tecs

this is a homebrew computer based on my reading of the elements of computing
systems. the book encourages the reader to work through projects to design the
computer and simulate it using their hardware simulator. i've decided to take
it a step further and build a physical copy.

i've named this project percipio - the latin word for understanding. this is
not going to end up as a high-performance machine; it is solely for me to
glimpse into the core of what it means to compute.

my end goals hardware-wise are to build a basic 16-bit system with a tty output 
(preferably a monitor, we shall see) and keyboard input. my end goals software-
wise are to write a scheme interpreter and possibly a C compiler.

i envision developing the following skills over the course of this projects:
	* digital logic
	* pcb layout 
	* operating system design
	* interpreter design
	* compiler design

in order to develop these skills, i am starting from the beginnings of computer
design (the NAND gate) and going from the ground up.

ex genesis, scientia!

2011-05-01: begin reading tecs and decide to actually build the computer
2011-05-02: begin working on chapter 1

this directory contains the datasheets for the various components that are 
used (or that are planning to be used).

hand-drawn and CAD/EDA schematics.
