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资源说明:Explore 3D models using the Kinect!
#Stuypulse Kinect-CAD
###_The 21st century approach to 3D communication_

##What is Stuypulse Kinect-CAD?
In a nutshell, this project allows anyone with a Kinect to manipulate 3D models using only their hands.  As an added bonus, the project has support for anaglyph 3D viewing, creating a complete 3D experience!

The software can view .obj files, a popular open 3D file format.  It can handle textures and backgrounds as well.

##What is Stuypulse?
__Stuypulse__ is [Stuyvesant High School’s]( award-winning [FIRST Robotics Team]( Otherwise known as Team 694, Stuypulse seeks to impact young adults by cultivating skills in engineering, programming, marketing, teamwork, and leadership through the FIRST program. At the same time, we hope to educate and inspire people in our community, both young and old, about the wonders of science and technology.

Today, Team 694 is comprised of almost 100 "Stuy" students and participates annually in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Every year, we have a six week build season, where we build, design and program a robot to compete in a unique competition. We then compete with our bot against teams from around the world.

The team is made up of four divisions.  The [FRC]( and [FTC]( divisions are made up of engineers who work on our team's three annual robots.  The Software Engineering division works very closely with the engineers to develop software and electrical control systems that allow both driver-operated and autonomous control of the robots.  Finally, the marketing and logistics division runs the business end of the team, organizing corporate sponsorships, media, events, community outreach, educational programs, and award submissions.

For more information on the team, visit our site at

To see our other programming projects, check us out on Github:

##How did you do it?
The software is made of two major parts: the Kinect server, written in C#, and the graphical client, written in Java.  For a more technical look, at how it's done, check out the code that makes up this __open source__ project at

Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  Encouragement for high school roboticists?
