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资源说明:A canvas for generating technical drawings
General information
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Automatic Drawing Generation is GObject-based library that provides
a non-interactive cairo canvas specifically designed for generating
technical drawings. It can be viewed as a 2D CAD without user

If you want to develop an application that needs to show and print
drawings where some data change but the overall design is similar,
the ADG library can be quite useful. In manufacturing industries
this is often the case and an ADG-based application could help to
greatly improve the productivity of technical offices.

You could reach similar targets using parametric CADs but a custom
application provides the following benefits:

 * more customizable;
 * quicker and not so bloated as a parametric CAD;
 * can be easily connected to a database;
 * an ADG based filter can generate drawing on-fly: this feature
   could be used in web-based applications.

Visit the [ADG web site]( for further

Design overview

The project is based on the [GObject]( library:
the ADG canvas is developed in plain C using an object-oriented
approach. Applications based on ADG are not expected to be
developed in C, though: the basic idea is to have a set of bindings
for higher level languages (the garbage-collected ones, above all).
An application can then be developed using any specific language
available, much in the same way as [GNOME](
applications are conceived.

Lua bindings based on [LGI]( are
already availables and effectively used upstream to test the APIs.
The [adg-lua]( project provides code
examples on how to use them. A modern web approach is shown by the
[adg-openresty]( project, where
the Lua bindings are directly used inside an NGINX webserver.

The mathematical and geometrical algorithms, together with a bunch
of other useful functions for manipulating cairo paths, are kept
in a separated library called `CPML` (Cairo Path Manipulation Library).
Although actually embedded into the ADG project, this library can be
easily splitted on its own, if needed.

The rendering leverages [cairo](, so
the ADG canvas fully shares strong and weak points of that library.
Most notably, the availables export formats include PostScript, SVG,
PDF, PNG but no CAD specific ones (such as DXF).

External dependencies

The ADG library has the following dependencies:

 * [cairo]( 1.7.4 or later, required
   by both CPML and ADG;
 * [GLib]( 2.38.0 or later, required by ADG;
 * [GTK]( 3.0.0 or later (or GTK 2.18.0 or
   later for GTK2 support) to optionally include GTK support and build
   the `adg-demo` program;
 * [pango]( 1.10.0 or later (optional) to
   support a serious engine for rendering text instead of using the
   cairo "toy" APIs (only the `pango-cairo` module will be used);
 * [gtk-doc]( 1.12
   or later (optional), used to regenerate the API documentation;
 * [GObject introspection]( 1.0.0 or later
   (optional) to dinamically generate bindings metadata.

The required packages must be installed prior the ADG building:
they should be availables on nearly every decent unix-like system.

The ADG is mainly developed on GNU/Linux but its dependecies are
known to be cross platform so a porting should be quite easy, if
not automatic.


The ADG build system is based on meson but a legacy autotools based
system is still supported.

The following instructions are included only for reference: you are
expected to customize and install the ADG in the way you prefer.
Just remember (if you are copying and pasting) to put the proper
package version instead of `0.9.4` and to select the appropriate
commands for meson or autotools based builds.

1. Unpack the ADG tarball somewhere in your file system: your home
   folder is a good candidate. You can get the latest tarball from
    # For meson-based builds
    tar xf adg-0.9.4.tar.xz
    cd adg-0.9.4
    # For autotools-based builds
    tar xf adg-0.9.4.tar.bz2
    cd adg-0.9.4
2. Configure and run the build using meson or autotools (the former
   only available on adg >= 0.9.4). The autotools build system will
   be dropped somewhere in the future.
    # Using meson
    meson build
    cd build
    # Using autotools (VPATH build)
    mkdir build && cd build
3. Once the building has finished, you are able to run the demo
   program without installing anything. Just try it out by
   launching the uninstalled executable:
4. Permanently install the ADG. You must usually have root privileges
   if you intend to install it in your system folders.
    # Using meson
    ninja intall
    # Using autotools
    make install
