文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:This is a simple CAD program that reads in PatternSmith files and allows the user to add specially-formatted marks to corners of polygons. PatternSmith is a program by Autometrix, a company that manufactures large cutting tables.
Corner Marker

This is a simple CAD program written entirely in Javascript/jQuery using the HTML5 Canvas 2d API that reads in PatternSmith files and allows the user to add specially-formatted marks to corners of polygons. PatternSmith is a program by Autometrix, a company that manufactures large cutting tables.

Live example [here]( (not always up to date with this repo)

Tool Descriptions

### Cursor (shortcut: V)
- mouse scroll (vertically and horizontally) will pan the workspace (hold shift to pan in opposite directions)
- click on selectable lines to, well, select them.
- click and drag to create a marquee selection box that will select all selectable objects that overlap with it

### Hand (shortcut: H, or space bar for temporary usage)
- click and drag the canvas to pan around

### Zoom (shortcut: Z, or option/alt for temporary usage)
- single click will zoom screen in on the cursor
- hold shift to engage zoom out tool
- mouse scroll will zoom in on the cursor or out from the cursor
- click and drag out a marquee to set a visibility square (window will resize to fit to that visibility, unless zoom out is engaged)

### Mark (shortcut: C, or cmd for temporary usage)
- with two polylines that share one end point are selected, a click will bring up a dialog box with options regarding the mark that will be placed
