文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:This is the firmware for a small LED Candle or LED Fire Modul, based on a AVR ATtiny microcontroller.

This is the firmware and the CAD files for a small LED Candle or LED Fire Modul, based on a AVR ATtiny microcontroller.
The LED Candle imitates the flickering of a real candle. You could use the module also for a fire in a dollhouse or for model trains.
The firmware is written in C for the avr-gcc compiler, by using WinAVR or the AVR Studio.

* 8 Pins for LEDflickering
* 8 Pins to enable every LED
* Open Source Firmware
* Hardware as Target PCB design
* On-board ISP header for upgrading firmware

For more information see:
* project site: http://www.jtronics.de/avr-projekte/led-feuer-led-kerze.html
* youtube     : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AoFinspK4J4 

* build it smaller
* more pins for LEDs
* controller with more pins atmega88
* controller in BGA housing
