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  • WoodCAD.rar 木工机械数控机床自动编程系统,简易CAD开发模块
  • geomcalc.rar Visual+C+++CAD+应用程序开发技术 vc++ CAD 编程,
  • OpenSCAD_src.zip ... , a simple 2D CAD application Have you ever wondered how a 2D CAD application is designed and implemented? I have, so I decided to sit down and write one. Now, implementing a fully functional 2D CAD is a tremendous task for a single person, and not ...
  • solidgraph_sources.zip SolidGraph CAD System SolidGraph is a full-featured system for 3D modeling of highly complex geometric objects. Sooner or later, everyone who works with computer graphics feels necessary to write his own editor. We want to show you one of the ways of ...
  • ControlTracker_demo.zip A Multiple Selection based Control Tracker Often in developing designer and CAD related applications, one needs the functionality of moving and resizing selected objects around. MFC run-time provides one class i.e. CRectTracker that does something like ...
  • FEC_1_1.rar 一个打开图片并将其转变为黑白图片的程序及其工程文件。需要预安装OpenCV。若有任何问题联系chenxiang@cad.zju.edu.cn
  • Newton_s_Method.rar A program for solving equations using Newton s Method.Just need to modify the data in the main function. If there is any bugs, please contact chenxiang@cad.zju.edu.cn
  • vc-CAD.rar 一个不错的图形编程实例,有很高的参考价值,值得一看
  • InputTheSurvingPoint.rar 将测量点自动展绘到CAD环境中,包括平面位置坐标和高程属性等.
  • FromEXCELtoCAD.rar 将EXCEL表格导入到CAD图形文件中.