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  • TestCam.zip ActiveX in iGaurd camera
  • IPCamera.zip ActiveX code to access ip camera
  • DE1_CAMERA.zip an example of using a camera modul with i2c
  • opengl.zip A simple program that shows how to draw a spinning cube using an optimized OpenGL stack.code. Everything is customizable, including color, shape, camera, etc... A good start point for complex OpenGL coding.
  • Digitalcamerainformation.rar 数字摄像头资料 含AVR源码和codewarrior源码 Digital camera information
  • 10282EDC.rar camera clearer, the size is increasing when u take a photo but it clearer than deafult
  • 2.rar 基于直线的几何不变性标定摄像机参数 Based on a straight-line camera calibration parameters of the geometric invariant
  • Bitti202.rar witness camera project with source codes and chematics
  • 2440atest_240320.rar S3C2440 各功能模块最全面的测试程序,是学习2440驱动的基础,内含LCD,SD 卡,USB ,NANDFlash, SDRAM, stepldr, ADC, Camera 等等最全面的driver.
  • DE2_70_LTM_CCD.zip A design on a DE270 FPGA with the use of CCD: a camera DC2 and a TRDB LTM after reading from the SRAM.