Capturing low-level network data can be hard in Java, but it s certainly not impossible
If you want to capture network packets in your Java program, you ll need a little help because no parts of the core Java APIAPI give access to low-level network
Video Preview and Frames Capture to Memory with SampleGrabber in Buffered Mode.
The article demonstrating video preview and frames capture to memory from external video devices using ISampleGrabber interface in buffered mode. C++, VC8.0, Windows, Vista ...
DecklinkCapture is a simple dialog based Microsoft Windows video capture and preview application. It can capture to a file either uncompressed, DV, Window Media encoded video. The encoding options will only be available if the encoders are present on the ...
DecklinkHistogram is a simple dialog based Microsoft Windows video capture and preview application. It uses the Sample Grabber Filter and the ISampleGrabber interface to extract samples from a capture graph and into an application for in order to ...
DecklinkIngest is a simple dialog based Microsoft Windows video capture application. It can be used to frame accurately capture video and audio from an external tape deck. A variety of video file formats are supported, for example ...
libvidcap is a cross-platform library for capturing video from webcams and other video capture devices.
... TV through PC more convenient. Through PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card, you can transfer & save the full screen/full motion ... /SVCD/DVD via professional rewrite software. PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card supports snapshot, you can record wonderful clips to ...