Windows usb Video Capture driver develop lib
The N queens puzzle is the problem of putting N chess
queens on an n×n chessboard such that none of them is able
to capture any other using the standard chess queen s moves.
The queens must be placed in such a way that no queens
would be able to ...
This file implements brushed DC motor control using the Enahanced
Capture, Compare, PWM (ECCP) module on-board the PIC16F690.
... framework for building Skinnable UIs for MFC apps. This is by no means complete and presently only supports Dialog based apps. But it is highly extensible. Well, a Screen Capture speaks more than a thousand lines of code and two of them should do better.
My degree operation. The given server carries out capture of the network traffic with the subsequent primary analysis. The program is grounded on libpcap
Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol sample capture (originally from wireshark wiki site)