... 264" which contains a watermark in it.
You can run "WatermarkDetectorTest.exe" in PC,
and it will read in the "altered_1.264" automatically.
And will check the file "altered_1.264" has a qualified watermark in it or not.
capture platform GM8180
... well, it makes user can additionally modify
and develop more applications because hardware system of
STM32F103RBT6 have already included the necessary
components in the single MCU such as USB, SPI, I2C, ADC,
Timer/Counter, PWM, Capture, UART and etc
Code to capture frames from Web cam using C#. To use the library, include the WebCam_Capture.dll file inside the debug folder of the project file and run the code.
access points from Inssider GPX wardrive capture to an html file displaying a Google map
this file teaches to play multimedia and capture devices using Java Media Framework
... -term Fourier series
with vector-valued coefficients that are the principal components for
data obtained in motion capture experiments involving subjects wearing
reflective markers walking on a treadmill. The components, which are
also known ...