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  • Shannon-TheoryComm.rar ... . In the present paper we will extend the theory to include a number of new factors, in particular the effect of noise in the channel, and the savings possible due to the statistical structure of the original message and due to the nature of the final ...
  • chaine_DVB-S_finale.rar it is a matlab program that describes DVB-S channel and simulation of Viterbi decoding
  • wavelet.rar ... signal contributes to the noise addition. A signal traveling through the channel also gathers lots of noise. It degrades the quality of ... reduced only at the cost of the bandwidth of the channel which is again undesired as bandwidth is a precious resource ...
  • QAM16.rar Qam 16 in rayleigh channel
  • ALPHSourceCode.rar extract alpha channel within FLV
  • Musysid.zip I need estimation channel MIMO-OFDM because I do synchronous CFO and SFO by tracking algorithm Obelix
  • ai_RayCh.rar Channel Raylay, help me code matlab
  • PLLLMX2326.rar ... showing how to use the LMX2326 chip. The program configures the chip and then prompts the user for a channel number. When the channel number is entered, the pll tunes to the desired frequency.
  • ChSim-introduction-tkn-09-2006.rar ChSim–A wireless channel simulator for OMNeT++, TU Berlin
  • Ex05_04.rar This example shows how to record a TDM (PSTN) channel voice data to a file.