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  • ndisapi.zip winpkfilter ndisapi library with checksum functions
  • ContactsUpdater.zip gdata-samples SHA1 Checksum: 96f3f340b54a69f779a73747d5410c77aa9b9e3d Tip: Use the SHA1 checksum shown to verify file integrity.
  • jacksum-1.7.0-windows-explorer-integration-1.1.0.z jacksun是checksum的独立工具平台,完全用java编写,用于计算和校验checksum
  • CRC.rar The 16-bit CRC checksum. The algorithm used is CRC-CCITT. The CRC calcula- tion includes all bytes of the frame. The data bytes have to be calculated as a word. At first you have to shift in the high byte of the data word. This is the opposite way ...
  • CRC.rar CRC32 Checksum Class
  • md5cksum104.zip MD5 Checksum Calculator source codes
  • md5.rar md5 checksum alghoritm - full aplication
  • CRC16checksum.rar This unit calculates the CRC-16 checksum for the output data.
  • JavaConnectDB2database.rar Java连接DB2数据库包含checksum
  • Roboctl.rar a simple file monitor I wrote myself a couple of years ago. It builds a CRC32 checksum for every file in a network folder and then reports when any file changes there. that times it was a good anti-virus solution :)