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  • MD5Checksum.zip MD5校验和算法源码
  • hdfs-checksum ... something like ```clojure {:bytes-per-crc 512, :crcs-per-block 131072, :checksum-type "CRC32C", :checksums ( {:block-id 8228927946441106746, :md5 "21cd8bde61842fd239ca13e3513cc701", :boundaries ...
  • checksum-verifier ... This extension is a proof-of-concept for an idea to automatically verify the checksum of a downloaded file if the checksum is available on the HTML page. You can download the extension here: http://www.grundid.de/data/firefox/checksum-verifier.xpi
  • checksum-finder ... O) and find the file that you wish to find the checksum of. The MD5 will automatically be calculated and displayed in the ... this application: sudo apt-get install build-essential libwxgtk2.8-dev Checksum Finder is written in C++ using wxWidgets 2.8.12. ...
  • Checksum Checksum checksum lichain.yu : airy.cloud@gmail.com
  • remote-checksum ... the checksums and file paths in a text file and compare this text file to the checksums in the slave servers. remote-checksum =============== The idea behind this is that we have a directory with multiple subdirectories in a central server and we want to ...
  • file-checksum-checker ... found, calculates the file MD5 and compares with the one in the list Usage: ./file-checksum-checker checksumlist.txt Checksum file list example: f768cb5cd8277268c91a806770617d3c README.md dbcfddfc48b137ad5e9ae165c88bbbc9 file-checksum-checker.py
  • java-md5-checksum ... is application for check md5 checksum for two files. java-md5-checksum ================= This is application for check md5 checksum for two files. Usage ================= You need to run the jar file, or compile the source. Run in terminal: java -jar ...
  • accuraterip-checksum ... www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=97603 # accuraterip-checksum ## Description A C99 command line program to compute ... /index.php?showtopic=97603). ## Usage Calculate AccurateRip v2 checksum of track number ```TRACK``` which is contained in ...
  • checksum Read a pcap file and correct -if needed- the checksum of UDP or TCP packet checksum ======== Lecture d'un fichier et correction -si besoin- du checksum des paquets UDP ou TCP