like the CCheckListBox class provided with MFC, however, it’s use isn’t obvious and the wizard assistance stops at the CListBox class. I’ll describe how to insert it easily in your project. (There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I do it and ...
简单强大的下载编辑软件.该软件是VC软件 A Compressed Bitset Class - Simple formidable downloading edition software This softwareis VC software A Compressed Bitset Class
简要说明:TGABase is a abstract class. You must Derivate a sub_class from it. You must override abstract function calculateFitness. By the way, this class can only get minimum solution
用Java编写的一个XML编辑工具.这个SimpleXmlEditor.zip里有齐所有的文件, 包括可运行的.class文件打包.jar文件, 运行软件的快捷方式.bat文件, 说明文件.html文件, feedback.txt文件, 要特别申明的是一定要看清楚说明文件, 要不然, 很可能不能顺利运行.
... transparency using the slider. "WinTrans" has an interface very much like SPY and also demonstrates the usage of Win32 APIs to locate a window under the mouse pointer and extract details like the class associated with it, the caption of the window, etc.
要写出Scan pci bus的程式首先必须先参考PCI的spec里面的Configuration SpaceHeader的图,而Class code有24个bit(3byte),组要由三个部份组成,Base Class、Sub Class、 programming Interface 将的PCI BUS上的Base Class、Sub Class、programming Interface用原本的范例程式加上回圈去侦测。基本上只要了解pci的架构,再用范例程式就可以找出有在使用的pci device。
... hope it is still useful to you.
I constructed the class from the Scribble sample application and some of the drawing ... CCoolMenuManager class. Additionally, I have also used a class named CBCGKeyHelper from BCGControlBar to show the accelerator key text.
my window class code . show how to call windows api in a class!