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  • geomorphologicalremotesensingclassificationwithmat geomorphological remote sensing classification by matlab from CUP
  • lyapunov.rar Some paintings lyapunov chaotic attractor and the related terms, while the sub-critical and supercritical classification
  • DecisionTree.zip 决策树分类,Your task for this project is to develop an system which performs a classification task with any various Decision Tree.
  • Bayesian_Classification_with_Gaussian_Processesl.p Bayesian Classification with Gaussian Processes.pdf文章的实现代码
  • Svm.rar 统计模式识别、线性或非线性回归以及人工神经网络等方法是数据挖掘的有效工具,支持向量分类(support vector classification,简称SVC)算法是一个很有发展前景的方向。
  • SpidGUI.zip ... , preprocess, process and classify in vivo and ex vivo MRS signals. These tools are embedded in a matlab graphical user interface (GUI). (Pre)processing and classification methods can also be automatically run in a row using the matlab command line
  • Optical_Character_Recognition.zip ... to alphanumeric or other characters. The process of OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. This program use Image Processing Toolbox to get it. For more information, visit: http://www.matpic.com
  • Classification.NET.rar 机器学习各种分类器代码,C#。 包括AdaBoost,DecisionStump,NearestNeighbout,SVM等,包括测试数据的生成
  • data_preprocessing.zip data preprocessing for text classification.
  • yuanmusic.rar MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification)算法圆阵仿真程式