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  • clusteringalg.rar clustering algorithm ...it gives details about clustersing.
  • Clustering_Guide.rar clustering guide
  • getPDF11.rar Region-growing approach to colour segmentation using 3-D clustering and relaxation labelling The paper presents a new ... pixels into homogeneous regions by combining the 3-D clustering and relaxation labelling techniques. Each resulting small region is ...
  • kmean.zip K-Means Clustering Algorithm implemented in C
  • fulltext.rar paper decribes about k-means clustering advance techniques...
  • kmeangeneral.rar k means clustering algorithm
  • Squeezer.rar Clustering categorical dataset using Squeezer method
  • cvap3.7.zip a pca implementation of a algorithme of clustering some data to use this clusters in a futur treatements.
  • grid.rar This is the approach in which we divide space into a finite number of cells that form a grid structure on which all of the operations for clustering is performed.
  • clusteringfinal.rar Major clustering methods Partitioning methods Hierarchical methods Density-based methods Grid-based methods