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  • CSPIHT420_01-01-2009_Hesham.rar a very handy code to compress color images using spiht algorithm with shape adaptive technique it is the original file no updates
  • CSPIHT444_01-01-2009_Hesham.rar a very handy code to compress color images using spiht algorithm with shape adaptive technique this version is been updated with some features of ROI
  • Zipping.zip Example to compress one file
  • httpcompress_6_net2_source.zip other compress file with C#.net
  • wavecomp.zip This code compress the image using wavelets. Both gray scale and RGB images can be applied and some
  • source9.rar JPEG压缩编码标准。。。 命令行编译过程如下 vcvars32 rc bmp.rc cl compress.c bmp.res user32.lib gdi32.lib
  • GarDa.667d76ca.zip Win 32 api visual studio 8 C++ Packer and unpacker exe zip compress Win api RSA
  • JPEG-compress-and-decoding.rar 功能:实现jpeg、jpg等图像文件的压缩,编码和解码的处理。
  • DCT.rar Compress an decomprres DCT=Domain Transform Coding for image.
  • dataCompress.rar ... reference work (MRW), thereby releasing past restrictions on page counts, freeing me from the constraint of having to compress my style, and making it possible to include important and interesting data compression methods that were either ignored or ...