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  • Construct-for-Compressed-Sening.rar 一系列压缩感知(CS)的重构算法。 图像恢复
  • ISO_14496-15_AVCFF.zip ... 14496 specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether compressed data and decoders meet requirements specified by ISO/IEC ... to be an ISO/IEC 14496 encoder if it generates compressed data compliant with the syntactic and semantic bitstream payload ...
  • ISOIEC-14496-26_2010Cor-2_2011.zip ... 14496 specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether compressed data and decoders meet requirements specified by ISO/IEC ... to be an ISO/IEC 14496 encoder if it generates compressed data compliant with the syntactic and semantic bitstream payload ...
  • zipper.zip ... to create a ZIP file using PHP.A few lines of script that system converts the selected files into ZIP file format. It is useful for ecommerce web projects like selling PDFs, Images and Docs ect, use can choose files and download it into compressed format.
  • jQuery.zip ... (3) lack of file 4. The selected category and development environment right 5. Write descriptions or explain seriously enough 6. Compressed files have a password 7. The source code repeat or already exists Please don t upload a copyright dispute ...
  • Compressed-Sensing.zip 压感感知的第一本书籍,还未出版完全,却四章,希望对你有用处
  • CompressedSuffixTrie.java.zip 构造compressed suffix trie class,并且实现findString()和findLongestCommonSubsequence()功能
  • audio_watermarking_mpeg1_attack.rar compress the watermarked audio signal with the mpeg1 codec to test the robustness input : vector representing the watermarked audio file output : vector representing the watermarked audio file compressed by the mpeg1 codec
  • livevalidation_standalone.compressed

    livevalidation_standalone.compressed livevalidation_standalone.compressed

  • Compressed Sensing

    压缩感知(compressed sensing)。所谓压缩感知,最核心的概念在于试图从原理上降低对一个信号进行测量的成本。比如说,一个信号包含一千个数据,那么按照传统的信号处理理论,至少需要做一千次测量才能完整的复原这个信号。这就相当于是说,需要有一千个方程才能精确地解出一千个未知数来。但是压缩感知的想法是假定信号具有某种特点(比如文中所描述得在小波域上系数稀疏的特点),那么就可以只做三百次