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  • servoctrl1.zip servo controller main source file
  • glcd1.zip for ks0108 LCD Controller
  • isr_led.zip DSP56F800e HYBRID Controller
  • hssdrc_latest.tar.gz HSSDRC IP core is the configurable universal SDRAM controller with adaptive bank control and adaptive command pipeline. HSSDRC IP core and IP core testbench has been written on SystemVerilog and has been tested in Modelsim. HSSDRC IP core is ...
  • fuzzy.rar Fuzzy logic controller that uses mamdani logic.
  • fc2.zip fuzzy systems for wind has been described in this controller run using matlab
  • narayana.zip for high precision wind energy conversion sysytems this fuzzy controller can be used
  • sdramctrl.zip sdram controller vhdl
  • sdramctrl2.zip sdram controller 2 vhdl
  • MicroC_8.1.0.0.rar software microc with key..which one use by pic controller vaseed by mikroelektronika for programmming pic in c code which essy to learn and applied prictrically