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  • TouchScreenControllerforSunplus.rar Touch Panel Controller for CAR DVD with Sunplus
  • 89C51.zip header to interface the c51 controller with special delay and otner initializing programs
  • AD7799CODE.zip AD7799 source code. AD7799 is interfaced with 8051 controller using SPI.
  • tsc2004.pdf.gz Ultra low power touch screen controller manual. Useful for embedded system engineer
  • at_keyboard.c.zip AT Keyboard interfacing with 8051 and can be easily modified for any other micro-controller
  • ClockSmall.rar Micro controller based digital clock with alarm
  • MotionTest.zip Code for initializing HIWIN motion controller PCI 4P
  • BlimpDuino_beta1.1.1.rar Blimpduino is a very low cost open source autonomous blimp. It consists of an Arduino-based blimp controller board with on-board infrared and ultrasonic sensors and an interface for an optional RC mode, a simple gondola with two vectoring (tilting) ...
  • MikroQuadAero_v2.1.zip ... a low cost flying vehicle which integrates gyros, accelerometers and a GPS for attitude control compatible with a 2.4GHz RC controller like the Spektrum DX7. A secondary goal would be to make this an autonomous UAV, which can fly to programmed waypoints ...
  • traffic.rar traffic light controller