how to connect database in SQL server 2005 and generating crystal reports
All timings are based on a reference crystal frequency of 2MHz
** which is equivalent to an instruction cycle time of 2 usec.
** 2) Address and literal values are read in octal unless otherwise
** specified.
μC/LCD is a module that allows you to interface with character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) modules.
1D Liquid Crystal Solver(Maple code)
This program calculates and plots the dispersion relations of elmag. waves
in a 1D photonic crystal (PhC) for both "s" (TE) and "p" (TM) polarization states
The 1D-PhC has a unit cell made of two different dielectric materials (known as Bragg mirror) ...
calculates and plots the total density of photonic modes (DOS) allowed in a 1D photonic crystal with the unit cell made of two homogeneous dielectric layers the calculation is separated in two cases: TE(s) and TM(p) polarizations DOS is calculated via ...