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  • crystal-preloaders.zip crystal-preloaders,时尚的Android预加载器---------------------------,博客附件,效果请查看博客相对应项目。
  • Silicon-Crystal应用的神威OpenACC移植与数据流驱动任务图并行化 利用神威OpenACC在"太湖之光"上成功移植了Silicon-Crystal应用,针对控制流驱动的OpenACC无法有效解决访存密集型应用 ...
  • 专用芯片技术中的一款四输出crystal-less时钟发生器DSC400 导读:近日,麦瑞半导体公司日前发布一款四输出crystal-less时钟发生器DSC400.这是麦瑞半导体第一款基于MEMS的时钟产品,它采用麦瑞半导体获得行业认证的PureSilicon MEMS技术,提供卓越的防抖和稳定性,同时加入了更多功能。   “DSC400是一款Crystal-less多输出时钟发生器,与市场上的其他时钟发生器不同,它不需要外部晶振,而是依靠与内部PLL相连的集成MEMS谐振器。这项技术能在宽温度范围内实现严格 ...
  • 博通Crystal HD技术助力Atom架构NB实现HD 博通(Broadcom)公司宣布其以BCM70015单芯片高画质视频译码器为基础的Crystal HD技术已开始供应代工业者(OEM),协助他们让内含Intel Atom处理器的新款小笔电(netbook),播放高画质(HD)影片。   Broadcom BCM70015 Crystal HD解决方案可供代工业者运用Intel Atom处理器N450及Intel NM10 Express芯片组平台来设计迷你笔电时选用。Crystal HD 技术的成本效益高,并支持多种格式的高画质(HD)影片播放 ...
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  • Crystal字体下载 该文档为Crystal字体下载,是一份很不错的参考资料,具有较高参考价值,感兴趣的可以下载看看
  • Topological photonic crystal of large valley Chern numbers The recent realizations of a topological valley phase in a photonic crystal, an analog of gapped valleytronic materials in an electronic system, are limited to the valley Chern number of one. In this paper, we present a type of valley phase that can have ...
  • Polymerized cholesteric liquid crystal microdisks generated by c... The method for batch continuous production of polymerized cholesteric liquid crystal (PCLC) microdisks based on centrifugal microfluidics was proposed. The prototype centrifugal microfluidic chip was fabricated by the wet-etching technique with a series ...
  • PHOTONIC CRYSTAL WAVEGUIDE BIOSENSOR ... is designed and described. The biosensor was tested in experiments for artificial sweetener identification in drinks. The photonic crystal waveguide biosensor has a high sensitivity to the optical properties of liquids filling up the hollow core. The ...
  • Photopatterned liquid crystal mediated terahertz Bessel vortex b... In this Letter, we propose that the photopatterned liquid crystal (LC) can act as a broadband and efficient terahertz (THz) Bessel vortex beam (BVB) generator. The mechanism lies in the frequency-independent geometric phase modulation induced by the ...