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  • CPU_BitmapApriori.zip CUDA with Apriori algorithms
  • three.cu.zip This is the CUDA C program to understand the basics about understatnding the cuda programming. etc
  • Gpucv.rar This is sample code to calclate the optical flow. This program use the opencv and Gpucv. Gpucv is cuda program adapting opencv.
  • particles.rar cuda的粒子模拟,非常的逼真,可以控制粒子箱旋转,来观察粒子的运动效果。
  • memcopy2D.rar this is the implementation of memcopy2D command, used for data transfer from host to device in CUDA
  • GPU-Gems3.rar 给出了GPU的最新快照,详细描述了当今最新的GPU的内部架构,以及如何利用GPU的编程技巧。另外额外探讨了如何利用GPU的计算能力完成其他计算任务(CUDA)。
  • MatrixMul.zip an example of matrix multipication on cuda GPU
  • thrust-v1.3.0.zip Thrust is a CUDA library of parallel algorithms with an interface resembling the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). Thrust provides a flexible high-level interface for GPU programming that greatly enhances developer productivity. Develop high- ...
  • thrust-v0.2RC2.tar.gz ... Graph Library provides graph container, algorithm, and other concepts like a Boost Graph Library. This Library based on the thrust, which is a CUDA library of parallel algorithms with an interface resembling the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).