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资源说明:Seven Database in Seven Weeks
# Seven Database in Seven Weeks

Here is the code for each chapter of the seven languages book with attempted bug fixes.

The book to follow along is [Seven Databases in Seven Weeks]( available [here](

* [PostgreSQL](databases/tree/master/chap2-postgresql)
* [Riak](databases/tree/master/chap3-riak)
* [HBase](databases/tree/master/chap4-hbase)
* [MongoDB](databases/tree/master/chap5-mongo)
* [CouchDB](databases/tree/master/chap6-couch)
* [Neo4j](databases/tree/master/chap7-neo4j)
* [Redis](databases/tree/master/chap8-redis)

The book code is also available from the [publisher's website](, though this github repo likely more up to date.
