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  • 19170fb.zip ... current monitoring system is installed to monitor the output performance of all the booster/storage ring power supplies. Accurate DC current transformers (DCCTs) are attached to the output terminal of every power supply system. Each transformer’ ...
  • FanSpeed.zip this is a program that control fan speed of dc motor using a pic microcontroller
  • FFanSpeed2.zip this is a program that control fan speed of dc motor using a pic microcontroller
  • FanSpeed3.zip this is a program that control fan speed of dc motor using a pic microcontroller
  • FanSpeed4.zip this is a program that control fan speed of dc motor using a pic microcontroller
  • FanSpeed5.zip this is a program that control fan speed of dc motor using a pic microcontroller
  • tl494_oto_smps_2x32v.rar pwm circuit invertor ac to dc
  • dcbuscontrol.rar This code is used in the grid connected inverter. This will control the dc bus voltage to a level you want.
  • Boost_PWM.rar 升压DC-DC变换器BOOSt的PWM闭环控制的 simulink仿真
  • DC_Removal.rar DC removal vhdl code