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  • Tightly-Packed-Tries.zip ... the gzip utility. At the same time, they can be mapped into memory quickly and be searched directly in time linear in the length of the key, without the need to decompress the entire file. The overhead for local decompression during search is marginal.
  • Image.rar 转换色彩空间,实现各种图像的Compress-Decompress
  • inflate.zip Inflate algotithm for a compress/decompress function.
  • Coding2-(2).zip coding compress and decompress in matlab code
  • Ignotus-shannon-fano-e82a269.zip This is Basic C code of Compress and Decompress of Shannon-Fano algoriphms...
  • FiHaDZlib.zip This is my Zlib library to compress and decompress files. create your own archive with it. By FiHaD Software.
  • tsqBZip2.rar BZIB2 Compress\Decompress
  • Compression.rar c# programming by using the GZipStream and Deflate Stream classes, you can compress and decompress files in the GZip format.
  • Decompress.zip Class for unzipping files asynchronously in android
  • zlib-1.2.5-Deflate.rar This is Zlib compression library using deflate method to compress and decompress data