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  • sitepass.zip ... a users admin tool for Apache web server. AutoSitePasswords keeps the users database and allows to append, edit, delete and search the users records. AutoSitePasswords allows to generate the random login/password serieses. AutoSitePasswords makes the ...
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  • cpp.zip C++例子。bmw - creates virtual base classes with virtual functions. newtst - illustrates the use of new and delete . shapes - uses virtual functions and object constructors strmtst - shows the use of C++ streams.
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  • C-SHARP.rar 1、Storage_CheckDetail INSERT,update 功能:库存表中的数量改成盘点表中的数量 2、Storage_InDetail INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 功能:调整库存 3、Sys_DrugDetail UPDATE 功能:修改库存上下限 修改药品名称、助记码
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  • SelfDelete_Lib_and_Exemple.rar Self Delete Lib and Exemple written in pure Assembly verry good to study
  • ezdicom.zip Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes.System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory