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  • core-delete.rar jsf 的简单例子,实现增删改查及分页,通过学习,很好的理解jsf开发。
  • dTree.rar System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory
  • Robotics_Toolbox_for_MATLAB_rel6.zip System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory
  • AccessADOovernetwork.zip Using a winsock control to access a ADO database over a network/dialup connection, example included for add/edit/delete/save records.
  • Jtable.rar ... Below Code in which there are 4 JButtons 1)Add Row 2)Delete Row 3)GetValue 4)SetValue Using those buttons you can create a row,delete a row at runtime. getValue returns value at particular cell while setValue sets the ...
  • DBCnn.rar 将常用的数据库(SQL2005.Access)联接方法,功能处理,如数据连接,数据库操作insert,delete,update。数据库备份,还原等功能。避免代码的重写。
  • AdressBook233337232001(2).zip phone directory, add new contact,show list,delete contact etc
  • 20085841710354.rar 价值千元的E灵通在线考试系统商业版,人数限制已破解。 关于程序中人数的限制,修改方法: if rsuser.recordcount>=20 then rsuser.move 20 do while not rsuser.eof rsuser.delete rsuser.update rsuser.movenext loop 找到涉及文件的以上代码,修改20为你所定义的人数即可,看似很简单,但原来的代码加密了,没有办法修改! ID:admin PASS:000000
  • IBView.zip This is small utility for view tables of Interbase/Firebird databases and do insert/delete/update queries.
  • delete.rar 进行有效地删除一个数组的数据,以至于达到题目的要求