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  • CMFB_and_DFT.rar DFT滤波器组,画出了DFT分析滤波器组的图形,比较了余弦调制滤波器组(CMFB)和DFT滤波器组的性能
  • channel-estimation-SCFDMA.rar channel estimation is single carrier frequency division multiple access also called as DFT spread OFDM.
  • Transforming.zip 运用MATLAB语言,对于给定的图片,做DFT,DCT等各种变换,并进行压缩
  • ex.rar 矩形序列余弦序列的生成 各序列dft fft变换 fft的实现
  • HW4.rar In mathematics, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is one of the specific forms of Fourier analysis. As such, it ... another, which is called the frequency domain representation, or simply the DFT, of the original function (which is often a function in the ...
  • byVB.rar 涉及双音多频制式电话按键拨号的原理, Goertzel DFT算法实现DTMF 拨号过程,在发送端根据具体的电话号码生成相应的双频信号,在接收端根据频谱幅度,找到ASCII码即检索出电话号码。用VB进行可视化编程设计及仿真
  • Amplitude_mod_m.zip ... frequency fc= ) Am=input( Enter the message signal amplitude Am= ) Ac=input( Enter the carrier signal frequency Ac= ) n=input( Enter the no of DFT points: ) tm=(1/fm) tc=(1/fc) nfc=40 t=0:(tc/nfc):4*tm msg=Am*cos(2*pi*fm*t) car=Ac*cos(2* ...
  • window.m.zip This script calculate the Fourier transform of a Rectangular window of 64 points using an aproximation with a DFT of 1024 points,as well as calculates for differents values of f0 and f1 the module of the frecuency response of the windowed signal. All of ...
  • MATLAB.rar 本文介绍了数字信号处理中各种算法基本原理,包括Z 变换、DFT 变换及其快速 算法FFT 等信号变换算法和包括IIR 与FIR 数字滤波器的设计与实现,详细论述了利用 MATLAB 软件对信号变换和设计数字滤波器的原理﹑ 步骤和实现方法,并给出了基于 MATLAB 的模拟与仿真。文章最后给出了实验结果,并就其结果做了进一步的解释和说明。 关键词:Z 变换,离散傅立叶变换DFT,数字滤波器,系统结构仿真
  • DFT_ByOpenCV.rar 離散傅立葉變換(DFT),使用open cv來實現離散傅立葉變換,可當作學習範本